Thursday, January 27

FEATURED: the knot chicago magazine spring/summer 2011

Thursday, January 27

when i was saying my goodbyes on jim and hameeda's wedding night, i was on cloud nine!  everything about their day was beautiful and perfect!  the flowers, the colors, hameeda's dresses, the food, the cake...everything!  it's one of those weddings that i felt such a sense of honor that i was chosen to be a part of it!

so, when i got an email a few months back saying that their wedding was scheduled be featured in an issue of the knot chicago, and asked for some of my photos from the day i nearly fell out of my chair!!  being published in a magazine has been a goal of mine ever since i picked up a camera!  in fact, i even put it on my 55 in 5 list that i made last year!

it has been a long wait these past couple of months for the issue to arrive on my doorstep...but IT'S HERE!!  at first, when i saw the package, i honestly didn't know what it could be.  but then, as i opened it, and peeked inside, it dawned on my what it was, and i ripped the envelope open faster than a kid on christmas!  with the envelope in pieces on the floor, i frantically (but carefully) flipped through the pages!  when i sent in the photos, i had no idea of what the layout would look like.  would it be a tiny spot at the bottom of the page?  would it be a half page?  i just didn't know.  so, when i saw that it was a full page, i was FLOORED!  (i honestly expected 1/4 page at the most!)

well, without further ado, my very first magazine feature starring the lovely hameeda and handsome jim!!
page 66 of the knot chicago spring/summer 2011 issue!!!

the feature is in the "10 chicago weddings we love" section!

and here it is!

another thing i didn't know was if they would publish my name or not.  turns out they did...TWICE!!  *happy dance*

if you're planning a wedding and loved jim and hameeda's wedding as much as i did, i would suggest checking out the issue to find out what vendors they used (there's a complete list!)

i am just so blissfully happy, thrilled, and honored.  i don't know how it happened, but i am incredibly thankful that it did!  i will treasure the magazine along with the memories of photographing such a splendid wedding day!

thank you the knot!
*happy sigh*

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3 comments (don't be shy...i LOVE comments!):

Anna said...

A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Looks so great - way to go!!!!!!!!!

Suko said...

Fantastic! Congrats on a wonderful photo spread! :D

Molly said...

I'm so happy for you! You are truly a talented photographer.

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