well, i've been super busy, and i promise to have some updates very, very soon! here's a summary of what i've been up to the past week or so...
spoke to the yearbook interest group at spectrum about photography, taught discovering photography class at spectrum (tomorrow is the last day of class.), worked on j.r. and jessica's wedding photos, misc around-the-house stuff, adam's 28th birthday, started painting lucy and elliot's bedroom, chaperoned lucy's first field trip, then had to clean up elliot's attempt to "help" me paint their bedroom
it has felt pretty crazy, but i think after this weekend, i'll be a least a little caught up!
in the meantime, i wanted to share some of the "thank you" cards i received from the students on the yearbook interest group. i was blown away (and a little verklemped) by their appreciation! every single student personally made me a thank you card! they made me smile, some even made me laugh out loud, but they all impressed me!! i can't wait to see their photos in the yearbook!

i LOVED this one! it made me laugh out loud!

i wonder if they knew how much i like polka dots

well, you guys are SO WELCOME! and THANK YOU for including me in your interest group!!
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