Sunday, May 24


Sunday, May 24

UPDATE 05/25/09:
well, the galleries work fine and dandy in Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari browsers...but Internet Explorer browsers are having some issues handling the photos and javascript. for some reason, some of the photos have white speckles on them when viewing them in Internet Explorer, but the original files are perfectly fine! also, the auto slide show in the initial gallery landing page transitions perfectly in every browser....except internet explorer. there, all the photos are underneath each other. so, until i can figure out what, exactly, is tripping up IE7 and IE8, i would highly suggest viewing the gallery in Firefox, Chrome, or Safai!

: )

I. AM. PUMPED!!! not to mention SO, SO, SO proud of myself!!!

i just spent the past few days creating an ALL NEW gallery for my website!! and it was NOT done in flash, although it sorta looks flash-ish. it is all jquery, BABY!! a coding language i knew little about before this project. but adam suggested i use it, and wow, it ROCKS! i know that what i did was probably a picnic compared to what adam does on a daily basis, i gotta say that it was pretty frustrating, and complicated work...for a non-developer like me. but, i did it, all by myself! well...adam did tell me where to put the code to make the vertical photos centered. (it was just a simple text-align...DUH to me!)

the best part of all of this is, i made it SUPER easy to add/subtract/change photos. woo hoo!

anywho, i really hope you check out my hard work! and if anyone runs into any bugs or trouble navigating, please let me know so i can correct it and/or make it more user friendly.

here's a little sample (click to go directly to the gallery)...

share the LOVE | view the GALLERIES | contact the MARCIA

1 comments (don't be shy...i LOVE comments!):

Amy said...

Love it! And isn't it just so satisfying to do something like that by yourself? Congratulations!

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