so, this weekend was supposed to be spent with jaime and josh in belvidere on saturday and katie and matt at navy pier today. unfortunately, weather was not being so accomodating!! boo to you weather!! so my e-sessions have been rescheduled for the spring.
what will i do with my newly found free weekend, you ask?
well, i plan on relaxing so that i can get better! (health-wise i mean). whenever the weather changes so drastically like this (last weekend was in the 70's and this weekend was in the 30's), i always end up getting sick, and this time has been a doozy! plus, i've been tending to my busted-up foot from a contusion on tuesday. (if you follow me on twitter, you probably know what i'm talking about.) i was gonna take a picture and post it...but then i decided that maybe i should just post a link, so that those who DON'T want to see my foot don't have to. for those of you who are curious, here is a picture of my foot after 5 days. as you can see, it was mostly my big toe that was injured. but, it's getting better, and every day i am able to use it more and more.
well, since no one reads a blog without pictures, i thought i'd share some cute ones of lucy and elliot that i quickly snagged from my myspace page, (since they're direct links from myspace, the quality isn't the, sorry about the folks.)

awww!! look at that chubba bubba!! can you believe that's elliot?? (did i ever mention that elliot was a 9 lb baby??)

happy sunday everyone!
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