Friday, July 16

cousins are fun!

Friday, July 16

i've been meaning to blog some photos from my fun-filled day with the kids/nieces/nephew.  a couple weeks ago, i decided it would be a good idea to babysit my 2 nieces, and nephew for a WHOLE DAY!!  yep, that's right, 5 kids total from 9:00am to 7:00pm, with the help of my mother-in-law and her super kid-friendly house!

the night before, i admit, i was a little nervous, but as it turned out, it was much easier than i thought it would be!  i planned so many little activities, that the day just fleeeeeeeeeew by!  but, i must say that elliot seemed a little relieved to have me all to himself again.

and while i was a little too busy to be auntie photographer, i did manage to snag some uber cute pics of the kids!

this is tatum, she's a few months younger than elliot, and she just had a birthday last week! she is amazingly sweet and adorable!

there's lucy and kailey. kailey is a couple months older than lucy, and those two were off playing in their own little world most of the day.

that's gavin with elliot there. he is your typical energetic toddler, with a smile a mile wide! :D

and in this picture, gavin is the spitting image of my brother!!! (or at least, my brother when he was a toddler)

tatum has such bright big eyes!! and she was so helpful all day long.

this picture blows my mind, because kailey looks SO grown up!  and she's definitely mature beyond her years, too.  she was like my little babysitting assistant all day. 

now, the main reason i wanted to set up this little play day, was because very soon they will be moving to arizona. so, the play days will definitely be few and far between after they leave. and since the kids have such a blast together (as cousins usually do), i want to get in as much quality time as i can!

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